Sunday, July 20, 2008

Important note to sportspersons who really give a damn about the China –Tibet issue: Do what they did in the 1968 Olympics

Some athletes like Baichung Bhutia refused to run with the Olympic torch in protest against China’s human rights’ violations in Tibet. They were not willing to become part of China’s grand attempt to make a global statement. Sadly, their efforts have barely amounted to anything.

Don’t lose heart. Stephen A. Smith has a solution which could have a lasting impact –something which could really spoil China’s grand party. However, it will take an athlete who really gives a damn about the Tibetans’ plight and one who really has the courage and conviction to stand up to his beliefs.

So this is my message to all the sportsperson competing in Beijing 2008


If you do, then do something similar to what Tommie Smith and John Carlos did in Mexico 1968. MAKE A STATEMENT OF LASTING PROPORTIONS.

Here's a list of options that you have


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Anonymous said...

I just read about this commotion of Tibet and the Chinese olympics...its really serious stuff right...

I read about criticism on Sarkozy for agreeing to attend...the opening ceremony...

anyway...don't really know whether to support or not...I will play neutral here...

Anonymous said...

awesome nice post to know about damn in china
you ca share this at